5 thoughts on “Nipple Stimulation

  1. It could have been me writing that item above – thanks HugH for articulating this so clearly – it sums up literally every sentiment, and stimulus, in my world!

    1. Yes, David, I have pierced nipples. And I mean really pierced nipples, not pierced under the nipples but through the nipples themselves, and they are much more sensitive than before the rings were in. And bigger.

  2. Unfortunately I am in the 50% that is not aroused by nipple play. As a matter of fact I have very little sensation in my nipples… can this be changed? Is there something I can do

  3. I am so jealous of a man with sensitive nips since mine are not.
    I did have a good buddy who also could cum by having just his nipples played with. I took great advantage of that. Teasing and tantalizing him.

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