Isn’t all of life really just a repeat of another man’s attitude. Being completely committed to something such as a life style, a work ethic, a moral compass, things that may not be important to anyone but yourself ! Being true to what beings happiness and contentment within reasonable perimeters is all that should be considered from the place you rest, work, eat, sleep, make love, and pray, conforming to what is considered the norm or how everyone else has been doing it only boxes you in to a monotonous existence and a unproductive mindset that basically stops the human condition from evolving to its most for filling and satisfying destination !!! – Chuck

25 thoughts on “A Moral Compass

  1. Im new to this site and Im finding its so much more than pics of naked men although thats why I ventured into it! Im 67 and not been in any sexual relationship for some time , but its great to read all these thoughts and experiences of other guys who are proud of their sexual pleasures and want to share them with other guys . Its like a wakening up for my own sexuality. Im proud to be a gay man who enjoys the male body and all its delights,! Just wish I could indulge in some man to man pleasures now!!
    So many beautiful older men walking around, I just like to imagine how hairy they are and how their penises and nipples would look, and these pics help out with my fantasies!!

  2. While supporting the sentiments expressed by Phalluster, I suggest that a positive and balanced society must go beyond the goal of human flourishing. Humans are just one species, which has claimed too much dominance on this planet. As well as humanity, the ethics of society must consider the well-being of other animals, plants and the wider environment. In fact, ethical considerations go beyond the Earth and reach into space, with humans now contaminating space with their rockets, satellites and discarded space-junk. Rather than standing alone, humans are a part of the universal whole and cannot flourish in isolation. However, rather than the ethics of society, the starting point is with the individual. Only when individuals are fully self-accepting and at peace within their own being can they build an ethical, supportive and inclusive society. With full self-acceptance and inner-peace, all individuals would support the flourishing of others and accept differing preferences for adult-and-consensual sexual practices.

    1. Hugh – I believe that we are actually saying the same thing. Maximal human flourishing cannot happen if we are polluting our environment and destroying the rest of life on earth. Our failure to address global warming is already having a profound negative effect on human flourishing. Similarly, at the individual level, self-acceptance and inner peace are important but so is acceptance of the actions of others who are actually flourishing. I assume this is understood by 100% of the readers of this blog. My sincere hope is that the more thoughtful individuals really internalize the notion of maximal human flourishing the more the ideal will spread and we will actually achieve more flourishing,

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