1 thought on “urinal comedy

  1. As part of standard practice, males of all ages and backgrounds are expected to stand together, with their penises out to let the urine flow. The etiquette of which urinal to select is leant early on to avoid standing suspiciously close to other users. Many games of “which urinal?” can be found from an internet search. Also, men are expected to look at the wall ahead or keep their gaze directly downwards to avoid any suggestion of being interested in another guy. I recall hearing that the only thing worse than being willy-watched is to be thought to be a willy-watcher. After emptying his bladder, each man is allowed to shake his penis a limited number of times to empty the last dribbles – how many shakes before it’s a wank?

    For a man who loves cock, urinals are a real gift whether troughs or separate bowls, although those little dividing walls are annoying! Troughs allow men to stand closer together, watch each other’s piss mix and flow, savour the pungent scent, and enjoy an uninterrupted view of their neighbour’s dick. While seeing penis is great, the man who unbuckles his belt and opens his trousers to expose his bollocks is a real bonus. And trousers pulled down to display the full buttocks and arsecrack is an open invitation for other men to stare and enjoy.

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