Amar, you are right, he is a god and he reminds me that all men have that godliness, it’s how I look at them. Stephen

Young Bull

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3 thoughts on “That Godliness

  1. Postman saga continues 🤣💦💦

    Cornered him yesterday and had a good chat. In 15 minutes i got his name, age, where he lives, previous job history, Dads name, learnt his Nan is 99 😍 and some other general chit-chat.
    Mentioned a “partner” 3 times but never whether partner was lady or man. Just “my partner “. From my experience, when straight guys talk about their other halves it’s usually “me missus” or “my girlfriend “. Im probably hoping for too much but what the Hell ? I do suspect he is the kind of chap who would be interesting after a few drinks 🤣.
    I’ll keep working on it. If nothing else, I’ve made a friend so cant grumble 😀
    Have a nice weekend if anyone sees this.
    Send me good luck vibes !!!!

  2. I keep cumming back to this man. He reminds me of my postman who i swear flirts with me. You can tell, cant you ? My gaydar isn’t that finely tuned but it goes into the red whenever he knocks on my door. Just wish i was braver.

    1. I keep coming back to this guy as he is such a sexy guy and has got me to explore myself and be proud of me tasting myself !

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