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3 thoughts on “Teddy Bear

  1. Dear Seb, I never thanked you, or expressed admiration for your subtlety and sense of humour, for having the idea of illustrating the post you made of my request for a posting on what constitutes “great sex!” You show most of these fabulous pics above on that post. Not only are these men hunks in every sense of the word, but their teddies are too and are really theirs, for life, by mutual consent and infatuation. And what makes for great sex for these feast-for-the-eyes guys, or for their teddies, or for them as couples, is strictly their business. I have a “teddy,” but he’s not a teddy. He’s an American Bison. His name is “Roam.” I’ve had him for decades. He goes everywhere I travel, which is across the whole world. He’s a very private bison, so I can’t show him to anyone. But I can tell you that he has very intelligent, sparkly eyes, and is very soft. And I love him. 🥰 PS The sex, not so good. I toss and turn at night, thinking about men I’m lusting after. He sleeps very soundly, after I give him a kiss goodnight. I don’t think he shuts his sparkly eyes, though. I imagine he’s dreaming about the next trip, ready for any adventure.

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