Tantric Spanking is a powerful way for you to claim your arse for pleasure. If you have only experienced painful spanking for punishment and resist being spanked, your arse really does not belong to you – it still belongs to whoever abused you.

With many thanks to Bertus

Ecstatic Path

1 thought on “Tantric Spanking

  1. I love to see a full grown man receive a spanking. When I was younger there was a man older then me and at times he would spank me. I needed the discipline and he cared enough to administer it. Sometimes it really hurt other times more gently. He always explained why I was getting it and afterward we would talk about it. Although it stung sometimes worse then others , it made me feel secure and safe and loved. I felt like he had all the power and was looking after me because he did sincerely care. Being across his knees and feeling his body on mine and feeling the strength of his legs and open hand , I knew he was in charge I never felt safer and cared for. Spankings should never be for abuse or cause bodily or psychological damage.

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