I don’t know whether I am addicted to semen, but I certainly am fixated on it. I love spunk! Yours, mine, all welcum. I love: The smell The taste The consistency The colour Feeling it on my face, on my body , on my hands, on my cock and most of all, in my mouth. Slurping it up, swirling it around my tongue, cum-swapping kisses. Nothing pleases my eyes and my horny soul as much as seeing a stiff cock ejaculate, the bigger the load, the greater the number of spurts, the greater the distance shot, the better. I absolutely love pre cum too, and love to meet men that drop a lot of pre cum. Very tasty. I would love to take multiple loads of cum in my mouth and get showered in spunk in a bukkake scenario. If spunk erupts from a well-turned knob with a pronounced corona and meaty foreskin, that’s even finer. I’m equally keen on sharing my spunk with an appreciative man, cumming on and in him. Really like to see my spunk shoot and have my spunk lapped up eagerly. -

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