“Bruce of Los Angeles Inside/Outside” is a video collection that features the work of Bruce Bellas, who was a pioneering male physique photographer in the mid-20th century. The collection consists of twelve videos, each showcasing Bellas’ photographs and films of male models.

The twelve videos in the collection are:

  1. Introduction to Bruce of Los Angeles
  2. Beefcake
  3. Posing Straps
  4. Nudes
  5. Eros
  6. Rugged
  7. Leather
  8. Fun in the Sun
  9. Inside Bruce of Los Angeles
  10. The Art of Bruce of Los Angeles
  11. Bob Mizer and Bruce of Los Angeles
  12. Remembering Bruce

These videos provide an insight into the work of Bruce Bellas, who is known for his pioneering contributions to male physique photography and his portrayal of the male form.

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