The Artist Castro is definitely a modern day “Greek God”. His earlier work “Your Poem” has been on our site for years. It was while I was researching that, that I came about this, Pomegranate: A self-portrait. I think it’s fucking amazing. Does anyone know more about the artist.


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1 thought on “Pomegranate: A Self-Portrait

  1. Dear Mr. Cox,
    Thank you for introducting me to Castro and his passionately virile self-absorption! I also watched other works by him on Vimeo and I love his poem “Your Poem,” so brooding and intense, filled with a sense of doom! Maybe that’s why he needed all 613 seeds of the pomegranate he devoured!

    As a thank you and a kind of homage to Castro, but from a very different perspective and stage in life’s journey, I enclose a photo. I’m planning a triptych. This first panel is titled “Still Life.” The second will be “A Stiller Life.”And the final, like a trumpet call to wake the dead, will be called, triumphantly: “There IS STILL LIFE!” Sound compelling? Maybe not. I may have eaten too many pomegranates.

    Warm regards,

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