There is some kiss we want
with our whole lives,
the touch of Spirit on the body.

Seawater begs the pearl
to break its shell.

And the lily, how passionately
it needs some wild Darling!

At night, I open the window
and ask the moon to come
and press its face against mine.
Breathe into me.

Close the language-door,
and open the love-window.

The moon won’t use the door,
only the window.

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6 thoughts on “Men Kissing

  1. I am in a black hole
    Here in my corner of the night sky
    I am a lonely soul

    No gods to love
    No gods to find
    For I… no *it* has consumed them all
    I am a lonely mind

    Stars in the distance all around me
    Yet none of them see me, none of them dare
    And so all I can do here
    Is to long and stare.

    At binary stars in perpeutual dance
    At novae spewing their seed of elation
    At galaxies merging in ecstacious trance
    A universe of coitus and creation

    Bodies, oh so gently colliding
    Yet her I am, …always hiding

    In my dark corner of space
    and void so hollow

    Waiting for a god
    To love and to follow
    Longing for a god
    To worship, to swallow

    For I *am* the black hole
    Aging millennia an instant
    I am the oldest soul
    Yet I’m merely an infant

    In my lonely corner of the night sky
    I no longer see mine own light… Why?

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