Look directly at his beauty. Tell him how much you want to gently kiss his cock. Rub the tops of his legs very firmly as you breathe gently on his cock. Stick your tongue out and beg. Please is a good word. Lick gently all over his manhood. Keep rubbing the energy at the tops of his legs. Let your hands dance. Come on push that fucking energy all over his body. Suddenly plunge your mouth on his cock. Tighten your lips, DO NOT USE YOUR TEETH! Now take your mouth, his cock and all the energy that goes with that combination on a journey. On an adventure. Don’t be boring. The object is not to take too much cock in your mouth, the object is to pleasure your mouth. Always cover your teeth with your lips. Keep telling yourself how wonderful you feel with that magnificent cock in your mouth. Once you taste cock you want nothing else…

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4 thoughts on “Mature Cocksuckers

  1. Mature and skilled cocksucker appreciates the opportunities to suck mature cock. There’s nothing better than a mature seasoned stud who prefers to be serviced.

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