Plan your Lingam Massage in advance. Write down some techniques you are going to use, and how you are going to alternate between each. Prepare something to eat and drink during or after the ritual. Prepare the space where the massage will take place. Lay a sheet for the man to lie on and scatter it with rose petals. You may like to burn some incense to add to the ambience. The most important advice I can give to any-one who wants to give an amazing lingam massage is that the secret is to begin by putting one hand on his cock and one hand on his belly to feel him breathe. Encourage him to take huge big deep breaths, accepting pleasure, surrendering, and allowing stillness and patience. Spend lots of time taking the energy away from his lingam, sometime allowing him into the space between semi-erect and slightly less. As soon as you find him getting a full erection, move your touch to other parts of his body.

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