I’ve been looking for this film for almost forty years, since I first read about it in Vito Russo’s great The Celluloid Closet. Great to finally see it. Richard


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2 thoughts on “It Is Not the Homosexual Who Is Perverse but the Society in which He Lives

  1. Wow, Richard and Seb, thank you for bringing this film to my attention. I knew nothing about Rosa von Praunheim or the impact that he, through this film, had on the German gay rights movement when it was released in 1971. We’ve come a long way since then, but the “loneliness” of the men in the film, a word that is repeated over and over, is a feeling we are still discussing on this site. I think the Wiki about him is worth reading: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosa_von_Praunheim. And I very much want to see more of his films.

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