I have to admit that I love semen. I love the taste , texture and feeling of that hot liquid bursting in the back of my throat. I also love when a partner cums on my cock and I use his semen as a lube. - Charles D

I don’t know whether I am addicted to semen, but I certainly am fixated on it. I love spunk! Yours, mine, all welcum. I love: The smell The taste The consistency The colour Feeling it on my face, on my body , on my hands, on my cock and most…

A man’s semen contains prostaglandin, a hormone specific to semen, and men who swallow have lower rates of depression than those who don’t. Recommended Further Reading : Semen acts as an anti-depressant - New Scientist
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hello Adam, feel free to post a few short videos, less than 60 seconds and some of your pics. It really helps if you name the videos and pics before uploading