Embracing Age Diversity in Male Nude Photography. Historically, there has alwyas been a preference for youthful bodies in male nude photography, driven by societal beauty standards and cultural ideals of the time. Younger models were often featured to align with these expectations, as youth was linked to beauty and perfection.…

Semen contains a very powerful antioxidant called spermine. It is believed to diminish wrinkles, smooth skin and help with taming or preventing acne. This means that semen can be used to do everything from moisturizing your skin to healing your sunburn. A company called Cmen Beauty Now delivers actual semen…
"You can't catch a wave in a bucket and walk off with it," teaches Alan Watts, "and so, you cannot understand life and its mysteries as long as you persist in trying to." In Learning the Human Game, Watts starts with this Taoist insight; then takes his audience into a…