“I am smiling at myself today There’s no wish left in this heart Or perhaps there is no heart left Free from all desire I sit quietly like Earth My silent cry echoes like thunder Throughout the universe. I am not worried about it I know it will be heard by no one Except me.” ― Rumi

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3 thoughts on “Big Cock Big Smile

  1. Given the heterosexual marital overtones, I have been wondering about the intended audience for this video? As a man, I fully understand the pleasure from masturbation. As a homosexual man, I fully understand the pleasure from watching other men masturbate, as well as masturbating in front of other men. In my younger days, I even uploaded to a gay amateur porn site a few videos of me masturbating. Of course, the man in this video could easily be one of the many homosexual or bisexual men in a heterosexual marriage. But, if he were heterosexual, I have no idea whether many women enjoy watching videos of men masturbating? Irrespective, I certainly enjoyed this handsome man’s self-pleasure and sexual relief!

  2. An interesting question: whether the man’s wife would approve of him filming and sharing this video. Despite the monogamous tenor of most marriage vows, marriage does not confer ownership over the other person’s body. Just as the husband must respect the sexual boundaries set by the woman, the man’s body remains his own property to use as he deems fit. Presuming his actions are not harming anyone, a man is surely free to service his own body for self-pleasure and self-expression? Likewise, no marital vows or woman can prevent a man from fantasising about his deepest sexual longings. If the wife disapproves, surely the problem is at least partly her own?

  3. Big cock, big smile, and the wedding pictures over his shoulder! I love it! I wonder if his wife would approve of this beautiful man pleasuring himself, recording it, and sharing it on this site? Very few husbands are lucky enough to have a wife that would approve. I know mine sure wouldn’t! I sure do appreciate it though.

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