“Unfuck Yourself”

8 Replies to ““Unfuck Yourself””

  1. A couple of reactions. I love the message “unfuck yourself” and the video presentation, with its catchy tune. Second, beautiful pic of the beautiful guy with the perfect body bending over on the rock by the ocean . Can’t explain it, I love this pic, am really turned on by this man. Thirdly, thinking about John’s problem, the only suggestion I have from my own experience is to wonder, John, if you could get together with just one man (even woman if you are into women as well) who DOES like your smell, loves to put his nose and tongue deep into your anus, snuffle and lick under your arms, etc. and can communicate his pleasure in what you smell like effectively to you, that might help you to learn to love your own smell, your own anus, as well. I do like my own smells, always have, and so have all the people I have ever had mutually satisfying sex with. But I have also always LOVED hearing my sex partners say this to me! I think that knowing that others love what I smell and taste like has done a lot to reinforce my positive self-esteem. Dunno, just a suggestion. I’m a novice myself in exploring and learning to derive all kinds of pleasure from my own anus, so I’m no expert by any means.

  2. I find this subject to be difficult.
    I don’t care much for my own smell, as a result. It has always been a no go zone.
    I have made many attempts, but in the end I will stay away.
    From the few attempts I no know what I am missing out on, but the door is a barrier.
    Also, when I tried dildos, the rubber smell was also a barrier.
    Any thoughts or comments would be welcome.

      1. Hello Uwe,

        I’m intrigued by this ‘toy’ and wondered how easy it is to take out ?

        I totally agree with the main article .

        Men should embrace the prostate pleasure and feel no shame . It’s a biological gift and, regardless of sexual orientation , should be cherished and looked after.

        Also important is the need to be aware of prostate health .

        So, enjoy it and see your doc for the regular age appropriate DRE ‘s .

        Thinking of “Dr Dre” now 🎵

    1. I used to be very hesitant about any suggestion of anal stimulation, espeicially before I came out and as a teenager. This was caused by the then much more prevalent cultural disapproval of anal sex and stimulation, talked of as something ‘dirty’ and shameful. It isn’t anything of the sort. Just before I came out and after I came out I began to incorporate anal play into my masturbation technique. I always make sure that my anus is clean. I find drinking of plenty of water and having a diet rich in wholegrains helps with that. Some people may also use douches. The smell of a clean anus is not unpleasant to my senses. There may be better smells, such as fresh strawberries and magnolia trees but I do not find the smell of a clean anus too bad. Once I associated that smell with sexual pleasure and when I started having intense orgasms via anal and prostate stimulation, then any lingering sense of ‘disgust’ about anal aroma disappeared very quickly. I also found the same with the latex or rubber smell of condoms and dildos; once associated with intense pleasure the smell may become something of a turn on.

    2. I would have an enema first. This will clean your rectum and eliminate any odor. You can always try scented lube. Good Luck !

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