To me, “touch” is not just putting your hands on someone’s body, but also, to touch them with your eyes by examining every inch of their body, with your ears by listening to their breath and heart beat. Furthermore, to make “touch” deeper and more enjoyable, I feel like the two parties involved must adopt a somewhat ritualistic pattern to their experience. For example, I believe it’s always great to start the session sitting down on the floor facing each other, cross legged with both knees touching and eyes locked, to add trust and intimacy to the session, then move to the more comfortable position, like placing ones head and back to the other man’s chest to give them full control and a deeper connection. – From a Member’s Profile

8 thoughts on “A Gentle Touch

    1. Ustefan this looks amazing! You look peaceful and content as your fingers caress your shaft and gland! I guess there must has been a spectacular end to this gentle stimulation. My own penis responded to your video and is now in need of some attention! Thank you again for your video!

  1. Yesterday I have had received my first gentle touch by a man. And it felt amazing, trustworthy and good. Not only his bode, definitely also his eyes. Touched me deeply.
    Tomorrow the second time.

  2. Ese hermoso video con bellas imágenes deslizantes, me inspiran una frase también inquietante: ¡Se qué soy, pero no quién!…

    That beautiful video with beautiful sliding images inspires me with a disturbing phrase: I know what I am, but not who!…

  3. A gentle touch, like a hand resting on your bum, even if you are clothed , is very erotic, even arousing. It creates an intimacy. Besides we all like to be handled with care!

    1. Yes Ian, I would love to handle you with great care, caressing your bum with one hand, your penis with the other. Both naked of course. Maybe you would do the same to me? The gentle touch…….

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