2 thoughts on “Touching Me Softly

  1. I like my whole body to be seen as my Manhood, and therefore I can experience very heightened feelings of Kundalini throughout my whole body in an highly aroused and erotic way, extending well beyond ejaculation or just my cock. I want some open minded people to try things out with.

  2. Under bedclothes, secretly, hushed, all eyes closed. Finger tips tapping every millimetre. Slowly, firmly (sports changing rooms after the showers, other men talking about stroking their balls to get bigger orgasms. I was fascinated and too shy to say anything). At various speeds (hush, such things are not to be spoken about in public). Concentrate on one part, move to another (no one has ever asked me before). Explore other areas (explore the other areas – them come back)

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