28 thoughts on ““Tool-of-Life”

  1. Hey Michael, I like your thinking, I have often found mens hands totally erotic with even using them as your device. I’m not completely sure how to apply your formula and would desperately like tuition on tips to find the right tip, on the right shaft! If you some more rules of thumb, it will move my erotic hand lusting to a different more ‘scientific’ level. I look forward to another post Michael, guidance not definitive.

  2. Once you’ve had “actual prostate removal or a turp, (a kind of enlargement of the urethra – i had a turp many years ago) even viagra can loose it’s effect either that of its been a case of “use it or loose it” .
    I’m not 100 percent sure maybe it’s just my age. 🤣🤣🤣 83 yrs old and being a widower, but with the mind set of a 24 yr old.
    Never grow old if you can avoid it, but suicide is not an answer I’ve tried it unsuccessful twice since my wife died.💔💞

    1. I had a trup in Oct 2023. Tri-Mix #13 works good for me. I only shoot a little cum but all else is good.

    1. Wow what a beautiful big stiff cock would definitely love to suck on your tool loads of nice cocks… Just wish mine was as big… Always wanted to suck cock
      I am 52 from uk 🇬🇧

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