7 thoughts on “Tidbits & Morsels

  1. Ich lutsche nun schon seit meiner frühsten Jugend Schwänze und möchte es auch nicht mehr missen für mich ist das der sinnlichste Sex zwischen Männern egeal ob Jung oder Reif, Sinnlichkeit heißt; sehen, fühlen, riechen, lecken und schmecken freue mich dann immer wieder auf die Delikatesse und wenn siich dabei die Geschmacksknospen auf der Zunge öffnen, ein wahrer Hochgenuss…..

  2. I too absolutely love sucking another mans cock. It is one of my greatestest pleasures when I am with another guy. A few years ago I was lucky enough to get together with a young man. I had sucked and made him cum several times and then one day as I was sucking him, I felt his cockhead expand just before a great spurt of fresh young cum filled my mouth: I swallowed every last drop. Delicious! But there’s more! I also find enormous pleasure in working my way round to his anus. I adore rimming a guys arse. I can keep it up for ages, and have even made a partner cum without touching is cock. I’m sure the guys enjoyed it, but the pleasure was all mine.

  3. Hello Amar,
    I can relate to you and your cock sucking odyssey very well. I will never forget the first time that I tasted someone else’s cock and from that moment onwards, i was hooked. 40+ years later, I have become a dedicated and unrepentant cocksucker. No man, of whatever sexuality, should go through his life without ever experiencing, even once, the pleasure and sensation of tasting another man’s cock.

  4. I teeter between being focused on my own pleasure and being what I would consider a healer and occasional teacher to men. Some exploits are all about us maximizing pleasure, taking what we can from each other. But other visits can be about filling that void, that lack of intimacy, or anything else. I’m happy to enjoy the time together, so long as you do. Some visits are about exploring something new, I’ve been the first and last man for some guys as they try something they’ve been curious about. All this to say, no matter what’s the reason, I’m just pleased to be that cock can be used for so many interactions.

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