The notion of “porn addiction” has become a contentious topic, with some arguing that it is a therapy-industry driven concept designed to pathologize both porn and masturbation. Critics contend that the narrative of addiction is perpetuated by these therapists seeking to capitalize on societal guilt and misconceptions surrounding pornography consumption. This perspective challenges the legitimacy of treatments that claim to address so-called “porn addiction”, Detractors argue that a burgeoning industry of therapies and therapists has emerged, aiming to convince individuals that watching porn and engaging in self-pleasure are inherently wrong. The process often begins with subtly inducing feelings of guilt, creating a psychological seed that purportedly grows into a need for costly treatment. Some studies suggest that inpatient care for this perceived issue can cost as much as $666 per day, contributing to skepticism about the motives behind such treatments. Critics assert that the treatment process tends to follow a predictable pattern. Clients pay for therapy sessions in which they discuss their experiences with pornography in extreme explicit detail, describing the content that provides them with most orgasmic satisfaction. The narrative often includes claims that these experiences surpass what can be achieved in one’s sex life. Skeptics question the effectiveness of this approach, suggesting that it may inadvertently contribute to the very behaviors it seeks to address for the therapists themselves.
art by Tamir Lahav
A lingering curiosity arises regarding the actions of therapists after clients share intimate details about their sexual experiences during therapy. While clients openly discuss their preferences and experiences, questions remain about the efficacy of such discussions and whether therapists can genuinely provide meaningful interventions for what some argue is a non-existent condition. The controversy surrounding the concept of “porn addiction” raises questions about the motivations behind therapies designed to address this perceived issue. Critics argue that the industry exploits societal stigmas to pathologize common behaviors, potentially capitalizing on feelings of guilt and shame. As the debate continues, it is crucial to critically examine the evidence and consider alternative perspectives that challenge the prevailing narrative surrounding so-called “porn addiction.” Recommended Further Reading : There’s No Such Thing As Porn Addiction
Twelve Step meetings are an everyman’s way of dealing with addictions, and I see them from two perspectives. I had a friend who attended Sexaholics Anonymous for what he defined as an addiction to masturbation and porn. He also attended Alcoholics Anonymous and when I tried to make plans with him he was always busy since he was either working or going to meetings, usually followed by a social hour over coffee and pie, which likely led to him starting Overeaters Anonymous, but he fell off my radar…
My 22 year old son on the other hand in recovery from misusing alcohol and weed, which he binged used as self-medication to underlying depression and anxiety. As a dad, my take is that he neither become “addicted” nor had alternartives for dealing with life, and had to stop the vodka and hits before he could address his core issues. He also uses porn but I have no reason to judge it as anything more than normal reading/visual material.
I imagine anything can be an addiction, so it’s important to understand the dynamics of addiction: Addiction is defined as a chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use despite adverse consequences. It is considered a brain disorder, because it involves functional changes to brain circuits involved in reward, stress, and self-control.
I think this topic, like many on this site, is being written about from a particularly biased view point. This site is basically a high brow lot of abstracted and generally pointless articles to give qualification to a pack of lonely middle aged, middle class habitual wankers. OF COURSE you’re not going to accept that porn most certainly is addictive in a detrimental way. The thing is, calm the @#%$ down – nobody said YOU’RE addicted! But it is dangerous and corrupt of you to promote the idea that it’s not POSSIBLE to be addicted to porn. Ive witnessed it. A guy who came around to have sex with me asking, as I was on all fours with him fucking me from behind, if it was ok that if he put his MOBILE PHONE ON MY BACK to CONTINUE watching his porn! If that’s not addiction then what is?
hello Neon, I was wondering if you could guess my 2 favourite words in the English language. I’ll give you a clue, the first one begins with F
Haha, this is all highly amusing. On one side, such alarming words like “biased” and “dangerous and corrupt” coupled with hilariously reductive phrases like “a pack of middle aged, middle class habitual wankers” (probably some truth to that). On the other side, the ultimate “F” phrase dismissal, finger-sign (single, or double) hoisted, both implied. From my old age, middle class, edging rather than wanking point of view, of course there is such a thing as porn, and of course it is GREAT! It’s a varied and as necessary to a healthy libido as sex in real life is. For me “good” porn means porn with actors s who really, probably unbeknownst to themselves beforehand, get into each other and have great sex in front of us the audience. We all know what “bad” porn looks like. But good vs. bad porn, not the existence of porn itself, which everyone loves, is the distinction that matters. Neon’s example of the guy watching porn on his phone while fucking him is a FUCKING SCREAM! A kind of foursome! Did Neon have no idea when he was chatting with his porn-addict that something weird might happen if he asked him over? Note to self: Always check with the guy you’re chatting with on Planet Romeo whether he (assuming he keeps the date, Neon is lucky!) wants to watch porn while having sex with you. If he says yes, then insist on having a say in what kind of porn you will watch together while you are having sex. Why didn’t Neon ask his porn addict to put his phone somewhere so they both could watch?! It was probably better than the fuck he was having.
It is not, and never will be, an addiction.
What exists is a great conservative advance in all areas… And gay sexuality and especially female sexuality are the main foundations of this horrendous conservatism.
With gays, conservatives say that they are at the heart of the “destruction of family values”… With women, the guilt and intransigence of freedom of expression and their bodies..
Sad that in the 21st century we are going back to the middle ages… SAD 💔
Very well written thank you and about time that the truth was exposed on these manufactured and unsubstantiated definition used by the media and the therapist community.
Porn can definitely be addictive just like sex Or masturbation even in the absence of porn. It’s an addiction when you start going to it to get horny rather than the other way around, it’s an addiction when you feel sexual every day and look at people who should just be a platonic interest to you as something more for no explicable reason other that you becoming hyper sexual from looking at fantasy depictions of unhealthy sex. I come here because as far as porn goes, it’s some of the more ethical kind. But there is so much porn out there that leads to a rabbit hole. When you start looking at people and one of your first thoughts being evaluating how “fuckable” they appear and undressing them with your eyes, you’re consuming too much porn. Some people are alcoholics, addicts of any sort, me, I can’t control myself around porn. It’s literally a tool of manipulation used to hijack the brain’s primitive reward systems, the orgasm is possible one of the highest neurochemical peaks a human being can reach, and with the sheer amount of dopamine released, it very much promotes reinforcement of behavior, combine that with porn and it’s a viscous positive feedback loop. Never started to see it until I realized there are people who don’t talk, or seem to think about sex anywhere near as much as me, and those people, don’t watch porn on a daily basis. I’ve been coming to this site since I was a minor, (which is on me and my parents for not supervising me better) among other porn sites, porn as a kid fucked me up as an adult to this day. The porn industry is insidious, so I feel like people complaining about the therapy industry trying to capitalize on people’s guilt is just hypocrisy when you compare it to the porn industry capitalizing on people’s baser urges and appealing to sexual depravity. All while running websites that do virtually NOTHING to protect minors from viewing the content, creating a new generation of little perverts with a fucked up view of sexual connection, just like me… :/
Mr. Cox’s brilliant graphic for the post “John Donne’s ‘God”” says it all! Case closed.
Sorry but it is an addiction.
Hello Scott, i suppose it depends on how you see it. I see it as art. Have you ever heard of an “art addict”?
lovely apple and sex iwish i had the sames
Me encanta y disfruto a diario de esta adicción si queremos llamarla así.
Me hace descubrir nuevas sensaciones..
Yo adoro la pornografía desde siempre.
Porn is just awesome,and a big everyday pleasure! Enjoy it,guys!!!
Porn. Nicotine. Caffeine. Video games. Anything that occupies time that people say should be spent submitting to the will of others (how much do others need of me? When do I get to practice self care, and solitude and inner reflection, even if it’s just base eroticism?). Even work is sometimes classified as addiction. Moderation might be better than elimination. And why isn’t gardening an addiction?
well said !
I would say I’m addicted or more so a sex addict maybe, and that it’s grown stronger as I’ve gotten older but I’m ok with it, there’s possibly worse things to be addicted to in life and I own being so to porn
Spot on but I don’t think there is anything base about anything erotic.
what is porn ? God or nature made sexes naked made love making as reproduction means
why we humans stick lebels on what is good or bad ?
see nude or sex provoke in us an emotion that is a natural reaction psychiatrist should says it is a « neurones mirror » reaction
gives envy to imitate .. so is a natural reaction that some frustrated minds define «porn»
i regret i could not see porn when younger probably my sexual action might. have been more fun for me and partners