12 thoughts on “The Warmth Of July

  1. I think it’s not just coincidence that a few buds and my self spent the day at Toronto’s nude beach this weekend. One end is mixed (hetero), the other end is men only (homo). We all spread our towels on the sandy beach, stripped and ran into the cooling water, splashing each other as much as we could. Back on our towels we were shared chilled beer and ice tea, kibbutzing with each other, stroking any cock within reach and eyeballing the hot men wandering along the strand displaying their assets. Occasionally some hot sunbather walking by would shake his head at one of us, indicating the forested area behind us and one of my buds would follow him into the cool shadows of the tree to commune on a more personal level. We stayed late to watch the sun sink into the lake. Then it was time to take the ferry back to all those skyscrapers across the bay. That was a perfect way to spend Canada Day, July 1, 2024.
    Happy 157th Birthday Canada!

    Hanlan’s Point 03

    1. I LOVE the warmth of summer and I LOVE this site and all the great looking naked men.

    2. Wow Nick! You look fantastic in all your glory. Love the tattoos…and so beautiful that you are all stood to attention!

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