6 thoughts on “The Iconoclast

  1. I’m of the belief there are too many lonely men out there, who’s only sexual relief is their hand. It’s a personal mission of mine to show as many of them I encounter the beauty of man sex. We can be as intimate and loving, or as rough and tumble as you’d like. I’m a man, built like a man, there’s no games, no fears of pregnancy, just the will of our cocks taking us wherever we want.

    All I ask is that they leave their cum in me. Because I know some of it will be absorbed into me. The essence of that man, in that moment of time will be installed into my very being. Like an everlasting physical memory. The idea of having hundreds of different men in me over my life thus far is one I cherish.

  2. As it happens, the young man in the picture is a close friend of mine. An amazing guy, he is always out there in public places where he can be seen, proudly stroking his considerable member or walking about, displaying his assets. A true iconoclast, from whom I’ve learned so much. Semen was and is his obsession. But most men are like that I think, whether they admit it or not. It really is a divine gift!
    Hail Priapus!

    1. So true! My honest to Cock first, involuntary impulse on seeing these pictures is to want to lick the cum from his face and beard.

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