1 thought on “Swallowing Clouds

  1. I’m thinking of Hafez’s poem and the two photos of clouds, beach and a naked man with an attractive body and a cock that, from the look of him, I’d like to suck. And I’m thinking about comments I’ve made about the beauty of everyone and the comments we’ve all made about photos on this site of gorgeous men, magnificent cocks, and wondrous arses. And I’m having all these thoughts in the aftermath of three hours of sex I just had with an amazing young man who was fascinating to talk to and was such a slow-moving-cloudy delight to make love WITH not just to that I’m still thinking about him and smelling him on my body.

    The point I want to get to is this: There was no particular part of him, particularly not the parts by which I made love with him, that was beautiful in and of itself, except his lips, which I kissed only once or twice out of respect for his mixed feelings about having sex with me when he is in love with another man. Not his nipples, which made made him moan softly and arch his back when I kissed and tongued them; not his cock, which made him twitch and cry out “oh yes” when I licked him and thrust him deep into my throat; not his balls, which made him say he was about to cum when I rolled them around in my mouth. None of these parts of him were at all beautiful to look at. Quite the contrary.

    I assume that, like most of the photos of naked men on this site, even the ones of older men, Hafez’s deserts and mountains were gorgeous to look at as well as sweet to taste. And I assume the same is true of his clouds, which like those in the photos beneath Hafez’s lines, as well as the cock of the young man stretched out beneath them, look very yummy. The same cannot be said of the body of my lover of two hours ago.

    And yet the love we made was delicious, exquisite, incroyable, a nonpareil. Sure, both of us are incomparably great lovers (!!). He is really one of the most talented I’ve encountered in years. But there’s something more to it than just that.

    Maybe it’s what Hafez is saying in his final line, “When … I want to kiss God, I just lift my own hand to my mouth.” We have the ability to secrete and exude Divine beauty ourselves. It is Hafez who created the deserts, mountains, and clouds he looked at, as well as this poem about them. We can do similar things even if our bodies and their organs are not beautiful in themselves. Hafez probably had boney hands and dry, crusty skin, maybe even a few warts. Whatever we actually look like, if we are with someone who shares our ability to secrete Divinity, then when we make love together, we are making God, enfolding ourselves together to become One within and with Him.

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