16 thoughts on “Irish 4Skins

  1. I had as a child a lot of iseus th my forskin and had to cut free from my glans. I had multiple inflamations under my forskin again Some was cut of. When was 16 years old I made my OWN disition to lat it removed it was the best thing I have done. I’m still happy I did. It’s cleaner easy to clean and I think it’s beautiful. My opinion is looks are also important and I like dicks without the forskin. Sorry Guys but that means that I don’t love you hairy Guys.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😍🥰

  2. People have to be circumcised for conditions they might have, like phimosis. Not being circumcised in that case can cause bleeding, painful urination, and painful erections – and it doesn’t stop there. Circumcision can happen for a reason and that’s one of them.

  3. I was cut at birth. And if that wasn’t enough I was cut again around 4.years old apparently it was growing back or over the head as it wasn’t cut enough!!! What the fuck?
    Years into adulthood hood and taking at least 45 minutes to orgasm for lack of nerve endings where they belong and dried out corona, I started research.
    A foreskin group in Canada. Where I live. Best thing I ever did going to that site. And the mentoring from an individual has been a plus. A friendship as well as understanding.
    Manually restoring with various home made devices, to the TLC Tugger!
    4 years after starting this journey, I have foreskin once again. Corona is moist and sensitive. I just have to touch myself once and I get pleasure. Never mind long sessions of masterbation in the past to the point I would rip the skin. It’s amazing and I am once more the way I was intended to be.
    After all, circumcision like a lot of shit is made by man. If it was meant to be, we would be born that way.
    Thanks to this website too! Like minded men all over the world.

    1. https://www.restoringforeskin.org/

      I made contact with a local guy who helped me through it with confidence and reassurance by showing me his gains. From then, I was ALL in.

      Thanks for this great site by the way!!
      ( my friend also clued me into this site coincidentally!)

  4. Being circumcised is fucking amazing. Foreskins are cool and yay for those dudes who are proud and happy with their foreskin. However, you can ask shut thr fuck up about how wrong and bad being circumsised is. First of all, what the fuck would you know since you haven’t been cut. Secondly, i is an amazing journey of sexual discovery unique to itself and quite different to the experiences of the uncut. Circumcised men don’t all suffer from their circumsision and generally the levels of pleasure and performance are measured by a whole list of other factors (heart health, body weight a d diet, alcohol and drug consumption, sexual mind set background, genetics,lifestyle) well before (any slight) effects
    of circumsision come into play. Most men who are circumcised are happy they are and the unspoken brotherhood of fellow circumsised men that is acknowledged in change rooms, in public toilets, at the beach (natural beaches and through speedos etc. ) is a constant and universal bond. So if you’re not circumcised, great. But don’t go raving on about how fucked circumsision is because it’s actually just a different amazing cock experience and militant tribal carry on is not healthy. And somewhat suspicious. So, how do I know both sides of the of the story? Was not circumcised as an infant, had a perfectly correct foreskin, never wanted it for some reason and had my circumsision at 19. I’ve had both experiences. Theyre both great. I just had a predilection to be cut.

    1. I was cut when I was 18 and it was the WORST decision of my life. Foreskins are sooooo much better.

    2. Yep Neon, I have to weigh in here with you. I was recently on an Instagram page the was pro foreskin, I’m circumcised but like both, so long as it’s had the Colin Farrell treatment…. However, what really got to me was the comments section, hundreds and hundreds of vehement comments, some for women who wouldn’t have a fucking clue what it is like to have a penis, cut or uncut(WTF!), which were calling circumcised cocks mutilated, unnatural, dead and unsensitive(?!), disgusting, ugly, the practice barbaric and so on and so on………………………………………..ad nauseum. Note that when fully erect, an “ugly cut cock” looks very much like an uncut cock….. so who are the cock haters?

      People are entitled to their opinions BUT….. do not discriminate against MY penis and the penises of millions of men around the world. Do Not imply or state that our penises are defective or wrong , they are different and if you can’t tolerate difference you are bigoted. It extends to being insensitive and uninformed about a number of religious beliefs and in my mind was bordering on a group hate speech attack on the circumcised penis. I stood up, like any cut penis would and reported it.

      It made my skin crawl and my guts curdle, the patheticness of a large number of human beings who think they are superior in some way. Skin colour?…….Religion, Sexuality for gods sake ? It’s fucking disgusting and shameful. Don’t be a genital shamer.

    1. I love this pic too – but I am hoping that the fact he has a foreskin is not what is making him a “king” in your eyes…….? See response to an above post.

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