10 thoughts on “The REALIZATION

  1. I’ll concede that if a man identifies as hetero even if he frequently, or even exclusively engages in homosex, it’s his choice – however misguided.

    I will call him by his preferred label ”straight” as a courtesy, only because I realize he’s not yet ready to face the truth about himself.
    We can complain about the woes of labels all we want, but the unescapable fact remains that it’s the stigma that comes with said labels that’s the real enemy.

  2. I have never liked labels. We are, in my opinion, “sexual” period. I know that too is a label. I am, by definition, bi. I have been with men who will suck my cock, but won’t kiss because they aren’t gay.
    I too, do not question them. I just find it humorous. I fantasized about man sex until I was 54. Thinking, “I’m not gay ” Once I had sucked my first cock, it still took me a while to get over the guilt, fear and anxiety to finally admit that I was bi. I love pussy, having sex with women. I jerk off to both. However, the majority of my friends are gay. The governor of Florida has an all out war against the LGBT community. I fear the government will fight us for a long time to come.

  3. we always want to label people and their actions , in fact it happens because we r humans.. there is not a right or wrong way of acting , there is an impulsion that satisfy our sexual drives. .. and all are necessary to our personality .. of course there are some parameters to make it acceptable .. out ofcthem becomes a mental patotlogy like killing the partner or pedophiliism and so on .. even if they exist in nature so for extention in humans too

  4. They are not what they identify as, they are what they are. Men. Scared by society to exclude something innate in their being, their very existence. Men need men, closeness, cuddles, touch, sex, scent, fur, taste…bonding! It’s priceless guys, truly priceless.

    1. hi u r absolutely corret
      we can be just male bound or women bound or bisexual we r all men and what is important is not what we do , but how we think !

      Homosexual is a silly word
      if a man sucks your dick and u let him do it , and u came it does not mean that u r homosexual because a man made u
      come in his mouth ! same for screwing a lady ass or an hairy butchy one .. or viceversa of the lady screws you with a dildo u remain str8 ?

      A men knows how arouse and make another men get pleasure , we know our body dick ass as we explore it since teen age !

      i had a friend in my 25 yo a work mate ,he made nude pics of me and suddenly out of blue he said:« i think only men can fully satisfy a man »
      i knew him as straight. , i liked him bearish butchy hairy virile yummy ..
      and stupidly i answered « maybe» instead .of .: sure , shell we try ?
      still regret 40 years later !! 🥹

      U can enjoy a sexual stimulus
      from another man , is a male reflex .. if u r normally built !
      if it was really not natural , u would not come nor do ..
      our vision , society culture conditioned us to see things in binary ways straight or bent
      personally i feel flexible i cannot stand gay community with their narrowness of mind , gay bound , i have 2 gay friends i had sex with , years ago we went cruising together sometimes but they put a glass wall because i am married , ,, with str8 that r the majority of my acquintances i get .. bored 😱

  5. There is so much suspicion attached to “bi” as if you’re trying to hide something when in fact, it’s pretty well the most open mindedness.
    I have begun to leave the 3 polarities of str8, gay and bi alone as I’m not completely comfortable in any of them. It’s not supposed to be yet another label or category, but I’m currently toying with idea of g8 and stray. Gates, fence-jumping, fence-sitting and straying, all cum into the mental picture.
    Gay but a bit straight, and straight with a bit of gay – both of which mathematically = +/-m2m. Clearly a Variable…zeta or Z conjures the classic Zorro ‘sword-fighting’ we all love!

    1. Homosexuality is natural for men, in early life males are homosexual males only. Society has tried to bring shame the natural nature of men. Some of us never conform desiring and participating in sodomic sex with other men. While others try to conform and resent those who embrace homosexuality. If there Father’s had taught them the natural order of men. If we return to natural order we would all be happier than fighting the natural order.

  6. Very sensible. I am now exclusively gay only wanting sex with men. My experience is that our sexual identity changes during our lives and it is normal for mrn to become gay as they get older

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