Unfortunately I accidentally deleted the entire website on 07/02/23, and all I could do was sit in disbelief. Around 200,000 photos, 2,000 posts and nearly 1000 videos, all gone, more than 20 years of work. I really was, extremely ill, for a few days, literally.

Butt, I’m not bitter.

Thank You to all the almighty members who took time to contact me, to offer encouragement, saved photos, and testimonials. One man contacted me to say, that if it wasn’t for a particular post on my site, he simply won’t be here.

I cried like a baby,

smoked some cannabis, and had a very spiritual wank. Thank God for the the waybackmachine, they keep about a 70% copy of the internet on any particular day. So that means what is and was here, has a 70% chance of being here forever. As A man who has always been a gambler, i realised that was pretty amazingly good odds.

So I dusted myself down,

and started the HaPenis Project, the Second Cumm-ing.

You can always take atrip down memory lane, visit the waybackmachine for some amazing memories

Thank You Gods!

P.S. In the meantime you can visit the waybackmachine for some amazing memories

59 thoughts on “07/02/23

  1. Hi Seb!
    This is really terrible,what happened to yr site..which I have only recently discovered..
    So hot,so amazing,so awesome for a guy so absolutely devoted to The Male Nude as I am!
    And for you such a lot of work! But I am sure it will be reconstructed as a resurrection greater than ever before! I keep my fingers crossed,take care,Dennis

  2. If the quality of what went before is used as a measure of success, something new and equally life affirming will emerge from this sad loss. You are a man with a Divine mission, you can’t be stopped!! Let your faithful supporters know what they can do to help the next incarnation of HaPenis cumm into being.

    God bless you Seb xx

  3. Hi Seb WOW that’s terrible.
    I hope you can reconstruct the site as it was or better. Bi man here living in Canada.
    If you need assistance, just ask. As well as photo contributions (self or other)
    Take care.


  4. Seb, i really feel your devastation, it is kind of unthinkable that all of that wonder could be gone.
    It is like a death in the family.
    Immediately I wanted to send you my wankbank, a lot of which are your men…. Maybe we could all do that hahaa, but what it means is that your work has been disSeminated all around the world. I really hope some geek can retrieve your site from the net or caches of mens computers. If not, I am confident that continuing your work will be as powerful as it was going to be moving forward.
    NZ Stephen – HaPenis again to you Seb.

  5. Seb, I honour and salute you for your amazing work.
    Your site has been such a pleasure over the years, a real inspiration.
    Normalising my homosexuality by making it a commonplace among the men here.
    I don’t lament the disappearance of all the images and videos so tenderly curated, I am just grateful that they have been available.
    Although I am sorry for the distress it has caused you.
    You are such a wonderful man, a saviour to those of us men who crave other men.
    Such a wonderful brotherhood of pleasure.
    And a brotherhood of validation, a brotherhood of yes-we-exist-and-its-good.
    A brotherhood of sacred masculine sexuality.
    A brotherhood that welcomes horny, raunchy, spunky phallicism.
    Infinite blessings upon you brother Seb. XXX.

  6. Hi Seb,
    This could be the greatest tragedy or the greatest gift. We have a choice.
    THANK YOU for all your support and encouragement.
    I will send you (to your email) the pictures I have for you to start another website. May I recommend that you -and your supporters- us this opportunity to also branch out into new territories? Start your first picture book. Every theme you have covered so far (older men, Arab men, African men, men in quilts, wrestling men, etc) deserves to be turned into a picture book. More books means more revenue for HaPenis Productions! The website to upload books is https://myaccount.lightningsource.com/

  7. Oh Seb. I am so sorry that happened not so much or my selfish desires, but you incredible body of work… I hate was has become of technology. It’s not enough to use it but then protect yourself (and work) from hackers and so many other opportunists. Hang in there my friend and hope you are able to piece something together. I ws able to access some stuff from 2019…

    All my best to you. I am going to give my good buddy your contact info when he is in London in the near future…. and hope to visit soon as well.

  8. Oh noooooo !!!!!

    I’m so sad.

    All that work

    Is there a backup or a way to go back to an earlier version. Good luck in retrieving it all. It’s a work of art. An oeuvre of great significance to so many of us. Butt we can rebuild….

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