Unfortunately I accidentally deleted the entire website on 07/02/23, and all I could do was sit in disbelief. Around 200,000 photos, 2,000 posts and nearly 1000 videos, all gone, more than 20 years of work. I really was, extremely ill, for a few days, literally.

Butt, I’m not bitter.

Thank You to all the almighty members who took time to contact me, to offer encouragement, saved photos, and testimonials. One man contacted me to say, that if it wasn’t for a particular post on my site, he simply won’t be here.

I cried like a baby,

smoked some cannabis, and had a very spiritual wank. Thank God for the the waybackmachine, they keep about a 70% copy of the internet on any particular day. So that means what is and was here, has a 70% chance of being here forever. As A man who has always been a gambler, i realised that was pretty amazingly good odds.

So I dusted myself down,

and started the HaPenis Project, the Second Cumm-ing.

You can always take atrip down memory lane, visit the waybackmachine for some amazing memories

Thank You Gods!

P.S. In the meantime you can visit the waybackmachine for some amazing memories

57 thoughts on “07/02/23

  1. Thanks for the explanation, and thank you for this site! I’d been searching for one particular video, and I now know why I can’t find it. All fine, truly! I had downloaded the video in particular and decided on New Year’s Eve that to delete all my porn and porn bookmarks. But I missed one video in particular, which featured an fit older gentleman in a suit stripping down to his tightly whites, with shots of everything including his cool shoes. Had creat music that I can hear in my head now. After daddy came, he deposited his luscious cock back into the whities. Hotest vid ever of the man I want. Again, thank you for site and letting me know I was not searching incorrectly. Your site has brought me much joy and many cum eruptions. With more to come/cum. Haha.

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