Adi Nes, the acclaimed Israeli photographer, incorporates homoeroticism into his art, adding depth and complexity to his compositions. Adi Nes’ series “Soldiers” is a powerful exploration of identity, masculinity, and the complexities of military service in Israeli society. Nes captures the human side of soldiers, going beyond their uniforms to portray them as individuals with emotions and vulnerabilities. Nes’ exploration of homoeroticism critiques societal norms and taboos. Depicting intimate moments between male subjects, he challenges heteronormativity and reveals repressed aspects of same-sex desire. Nes encourages viewers to question their assumptions about sexuality and the constructs that shape it. Nes’ “The Last Supper” recalls Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper, replacing the characters with young male Israeli soldiers. A print sold at auction in Sotheby’s for $264,000 in 2007. Adi Nes