Sexuality and Creativity: HaPenis as Art

Spirituality and the Universal HaPenis

Looking Forward: The Future of the HaPenis Project

15 thoughts on “The HaPenis Project

  1. For me, sex is a need like air, sleep and food. Feels as with food a hunger, a desire for inspiration and variety, a pleasure, a reward or comfort and finally a satisfaction and satiety after sex.

    As with food, you can prepare and whet the appetite for food…and for sex. Think oysters, steak, chocolate, cucumber, whipped cream…

    1. In fact, this ChatGPT statement is fucking awesome. But that’s only because the HaPenis Project and all those who have been making it fucking awesome are fucking awesome themselves. Thank you Mr Cox.

    2. Sorry to keep cumming back to this, but the thing, which is crucial to the whole Project, that the elegant and succinct ChatGPT statement doesn’t capture, is the struggle, the pain, the risks, the setbacks, the actual experience, the process of reaching some kind of HaPenis that all of us have lived through. ChatGPT sums up the brilliance of the project in its totality but doesn’t convey, somehow, what it makes it deeply personal to all of us.

    1. Hello Michael H, welcome to the HaPenis Project, your welcome to submit both, just send a reply, as you have done in this message. Look forward to hearing from you.

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