11 thoughts on “The God of Erections

    1. Hi AJ I can tell you this. My cock is UP more times than it is down. Must be because I’m horny alot which is a good thing

    2. Hi Dave,
      I have no doubt that this is true!
      I can report that it’s also possible to be horny all the time when you’re down.
      As for photos of your cock, they make me horny to look at either way, when you’re mostly up or sometimes down. I’ll suck your cock at any altitude!

  1. Society must become more phallocentric. This way, men will regain our rightful place in the World.

  2. I find it interesting that every major civilization, every kingdom throughout history, has its own version of Min. Clearly, these ancient societies had a greater understanding of masculine power and influence than we in the present day. In the past few years, I’ve focused my research on the Greco Roman cultures. Those societies worshipped Priapus, initially god of the fields and forests. Quite soon in his career as a deity, he is seen sporting an exceptionally large penis, signifying his power of the masculine. Eventually paintings, pictures, large marble statues and even graffiti of penises made their way into every facet of daily life. They knew a good thing when they saw it.

  3. I always truly believe I was born to be gay to love a man’s body and especially a man’s rock hard throbbing erect cock there’s nothing more satisfying, more erotic, more delicious than a man’s erect cock they are addictive in my opinion 😋 ✊🏻🍆💦💦💦👅👅👅

    Thought I’d share a picture of my uncut throbbing erect cock below …. hope you blokes enjoy 😉 😜

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