Forbidden Fruits by Rumi Bi Cox “Alas! the forbidden fruits were eaten, And thereby the warm life of reason congealed. A grain of heat eclipsed the son of Adam, Like as the Dragon’s tail dulls the brightness of the moon.” More KnoBledge The Study of TheologyEnhanced MasculinityIf You s.PrayfilmMore Valuable?RumiFlying SoloI Am A WankerSupreme PleasureDivine PhallusMaster & Servantdaddy modelI ScreambromanceThe Ripe FigCastroCONDOMS (by Martin H.)FuckingThe KingKingsPlease Share This:TweetEmailWhatsAppBlueskyRedditPocketThreadsMorePrint Related KnoBledge almightyMasculinity Art
Aaah to savor the forbidden fruit. To transcend and to ignite your passion and explore mans sexuality Reply
Aaah to savor the forbidden fruit. To transcend and to ignite your passion and explore mans sexuality
Gorgeous cock on the guy in picture
Would love to suck that cock.
The other thing that goes well with fruit is salty nuts
All fruits are best accompanied by a nice, juicy dick.
These examples are notorious