We need to become a Penis in the Sun´s hand. We need for the earth to sing through our pores and eyes. The body will again become restless until our HaPenis (souls) paints all its beauty upon the sky.
That’s amazing Lee, wow and so well dressed ! Hugs and hugs
I have another post in ‘Sonnet 18’ with a Scots poem ‘Sonnet o’ Cock’ (with Scots words translated) shared by a sketch of the ancient warrior, Achilles.
Chris, the pic is under “My Hapiness Selfie” it’s actually just my dick in color. LOL!
Hi Lee
I’ll go and check it out again. You say ´just my dick…’ (?).
Anyways In colour or b&w it’s just beautiful.
What a beautiful, hard cock. I want some..
Hey Don, thanks man!
Hello Lee
I must say I was moved by your previous post which unfortunately is no longer on here. I scrolled down right to the end and found your beautiful end in colour and very proud looking indeed Mmm
I’m so glad for you that you have been able to move on so well and that you’re living a good life.
Your account brought back some similar problems I had in my youth. I suppose I got over the bullying I had at that time but maybe it’s stuck with me. Though I don’t feel I’m gay more curious or bi, I must admit I have a penchant to men and this wonderful site is quite an eye opener to me.
I do hope you’ll be on here again Lee and I look forward to you, seeing your art or photos or posts at some stage.
Warm hugs to you
Thank you so very much Chris. I shared a lot of my past childhood experiences. Later I thought I had been way too open, and not in line with the topic. I wanted to rectify this problem plus I didn’t want to be a turn off for too much info! LOL! Your beautiful words of encouragement have made me rethink that perhaps I should have left the post. Chris, at least I’m glad you did see it.
Warm hugs, Lee.
Thank YOU Lee for your reply.
I guess it’s good to be open isn’t it ? And it’s a subject that could easily
come up on HaPenis. Anyway you didn’t turn me off I can tell you. I’m so glad you appreciated my post back too. I too was very glad to see what I read and saw.
Warm hugs again to you Lee (and to your man perhaps…)
Warm hugs to you Chris. My prayer is that you be filled with Hapenis.
Thank you so very much for your prayer, Lee. I was immediately touched in heart AND body by such a wonderful word. All my wishes for beautiful Hapenis to you too Lee. And warmth and hugs.
Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, 1791. My flute is dedicated to God’s Flute, Lee. With all my love and devotion to Hapenis and to all those here and to Zeb who holds this complex site together. May he be blessed with bringing it back and to go farther with ‘Hapenis Project’ than he ever dared to dream. Hugs to all, Lee.
This photo turned out too red the upper one is calibrated.
Photo calibrated.
That’s amazing Lee, wow and so well dressed ! Hugs and hugs
I have another post in ‘Sonnet 18’ with a Scots poem ‘Sonnet o’ Cock’ (with Scots words translated) shared by a sketch of the ancient warrior, Achilles.
Chris, the pic is under “My Hapiness Selfie” it’s actually just my dick in color. LOL!
Hi Lee
I’ll go and check it out again. You say ´just my dick…’ (?).
Anyways In colour or b&w it’s just beautiful.
What a beautiful, hard cock. I want some..
Hey Don, thanks man!
Hello Lee
I must say I was moved by your previous post which unfortunately is no longer on here. I scrolled down right to the end and found your beautiful end in colour and very proud looking indeed Mmm
I’m so glad for you that you have been able to move on so well and that you’re living a good life.
Your account brought back some similar problems I had in my youth. I suppose I got over the bullying I had at that time but maybe it’s stuck with me. Though I don’t feel I’m gay more curious or bi, I must admit I have a penchant to men and this wonderful site is quite an eye opener to me.
I do hope you’ll be on here again Lee and I look forward to you, seeing your art or photos or posts at some stage.
Warm hugs to you
Thank you so very much Chris. I shared a lot of my past childhood experiences. Later I thought I had been way too open, and not in line with the topic. I wanted to rectify this problem plus I didn’t want to be a turn off for too much info! LOL! Your beautiful words of encouragement have made me rethink that perhaps I should have left the post. Chris, at least I’m glad you did see it.
Warm hugs, Lee.
Thank YOU Lee for your reply.
I guess it’s good to be open isn’t it ? And it’s a subject that could easily
come up on HaPenis. Anyway you didn’t turn me off I can tell you. I’m so glad you appreciated my post back too. I too was very glad to see what I read and saw.
Warm hugs again to you Lee (and to your man perhaps…)
Warm hugs to you Chris. My prayer is that you be filled with Hapenis.
Thank you so very much for your prayer, Lee. I was immediately touched in heart AND body by such a wonderful word. All my wishes for beautiful Hapenis to you too Lee. And warmth and hugs.
Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, 1791. My flute is dedicated to God’s Flute, Lee. With all my love and devotion to Hapenis and to all those here and to Zeb who holds this complex site together. May he be blessed with bringing it back and to go farther with ‘Hapenis Project’ than he ever dared to dream. Hugs to all, Lee.
Bless You
Thanks Mr. Cox.
Seb, I have to apologize for the “Z” in your name in the above post. I think my autocorrect did this. My bad, Lee.
PS Beautiful in black and white also
Also so beautiful in black and white
Thanks again. Thought about putting the color photo back up under “How to take dick picks”
That’s a damn good idea Lee
Not bad a pic for being midway hard!