3 thoughts on “The Fascinus

  1. I too have had the same feelings towards the sight of an erect penis most of my life. I am now 64 years old and those feelings have not waned one bit. It started already at age five when I became consciously aware of my own erect cock. It is one my most vivid memories from that stage of life. I was experiencing “morning wood” daily. I would awake in the morning with it hard and subtly throbbing. I would push my pajamas down and gaze at in wonder with the rays of morning sun streaming in my window. Like a little rocket pointing straight up on a launch pad.
    I was totally fascinated by it and I felt all the same feelings Ben and Bill described, even at that young age. “ Holding it, gazing at it, contemplating its form”, with “ awe, pride and beauty“ and “enthralled by the mystery and beauty of my erect cock”.

    Eight years later my devotion and worship of cock increased ten fold after discovering the joy of orgasm and ejaculation. A year later when I got to see other naked guys in the football locker room, flaccid and in various stages of tumescence for the first time. I gazed in awe and wonder with sideways glances trying not be caught staring at the beautiful cocks on display.

    It took me many years after that to finally shed my homophobia and accept that I am a totally devoted cock worshiper and I do it daily in my 60’s.

  2. I completely understand and align with your post here. I am completely enthralled by the mystery and beauty of my erect cock with whom I can spend countless hours. Of course, this is just another illustration of why the Phallus has been an object of worship for millennia by both men and women. It’s beauty is mesmerizing as though it casts a spell on its owner and observers. Seeing a man engrossed in his own erection is like a call to the community to get boned-up and join the “celebrant” in that sacred space.

    During my masturbation sessions, my erect cock becomes a stupa, a temple, a sacred monstrance, raised before the community and offered as a prayer of glorification and praise to God, all men, and the universe. This is something that overtakes me. In many ways, I am not in control of this phenomenon. I think I may have been called as a Phallic/Cock Priest.

    Often, in the midst of one of my intense, deep masturgation/goon sessions, I am moved by the urge toward cock ornamentation – I have some beautiful objects such as beads, etc. Then I add music, singing, Gregorian or Tibetan Monk chants – all together creating a beautiful and powerful liturgy of cock celebration and worship. Of course, this is a sacred space I enter – separate from the “day-to’day” concerns of everyday life. It’s my “worship service”, “church”, and spiritual practice.

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