4 thoughts on “bulge budgie 67

  1. Some of the cricketers are really hot. Must admit ive got a soft spot for our Jonny Bairstow – and Im not usually turned on by gingers.

  2. I suspect ball tampering. Bumchum Genie you are correct, Kiwis don’t wear budgies anymore, but at least they have their own gear inside. The Aussies – for a cunt-ry wot prides themselves on fair play, there’s a lorra joggery-pokery that’s just not Cricket. David Warner of all people stuffing his plastic cricket box down the budgies for a photo shoot is sort ironic – somewhat ball tampered. Next he’ll be using that third arm of his to bowl underarm.

  3. On second thoughts Mr Cox, the imposter is likely a Kiwi, they are scared stiff of budgy smugglers and it is very rare to see a kiwi penis.

  4. I believe I can help you with this bulge as I speak a little Au’strayan’.
    Both Qantas and Budgy smugglin originate in Straya. There are many clues written all over this chap, but overall the result is confusing. You see, Qantas directly translates as “cuntass” so we can tell from both cap and shirt this fella is looking for arse play…. as in “be a sport, mate”, this much is clear.
    It gets confusing looking at the smugglers, a wee gold budgy up there on his hip, but it looks like he’s lost his budgy and replaced it with a much larger bird, a very fine cock. Now this is to be expected as you see this practice often, the white drawstring left waving out the top to draw attention and also warn that he can barely contain that beast. The thing is, wearing black lycra cum-pression shorts under your BS’s is a crime never committed! Smugglers are typically worn rolled at the rear and tucked up your crack, displaying the succulent globes of your manly arse.
    This would of course reinforce the message up front, that you indeed have a cuntass, ready.
    This fella is an imposter, likely French by the look of ‘is cock, definitely not 426 Warner(cricketer) and not Strayan at all.
    I just wish he would free that cock.

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