Casual gay sex, like any form of therapy, can offer a range of benefits for all men, gay, bisexual or heterosexual who choose to engage. It’s important to note that the benefits can be similar to therapy in general, but they are experienced within the context of gay sex. Here are some potential benefits specific to casual gay sex: Embracing Desire: Exploring the Sensual Depths of Casual Gay Sex
- Exploration of Desires: Engaging in casual gay sex can provide an avenue for individuals to explore their deeper sexual desires, and preferences. It can be an opportunity to expand their understand themselves and gain insights into what brings them pleasure.
- Connection and Community: For many men casual gay sex can offer a way to connect with others men, fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie.
- Overcoming Stigma and Shame: In some cultures and societies, homosexuality has been stigmatized or shamed. Engaging in casual gay sex can be a way for men to challenge and overcome internalized stigma and shame, promoting self-acceptance and positive self-image.
- Learning about Same-Sex Intimacy: Casual gay sex can provide an avenue for men who are new to casual gay sex to learn about the dynamics of intimacy, communication, and connection..
- Personal Empowerment: For LGBTQ+ individuals, casual gay sex can be an act of reclaiming their sexuality and asserting their rights to express themselves in ways that feel authentic to their identity.
- Positive Sexual Experiences: Like any form of sexual activity, casual gay sex can offer physical pleasure, emotional satisfaction, and a boost in self-confidence and self-esteem.
- Building Relationship Skills: Engaging in casual gay sex can help individuals build skills in communication, negotiation, and setting boundaries, which are important in any kind of relationship, whether casual or committed.
More KnoBledge
gay sex does not exist .. is sex with a person that appeals to you , exicte attracts you and make u desire to have intimacy with , is sexual flexibility a caracteristic of many humans .. exist psyco rigid too .. but many , i guess , are not really natural attitudes but self imposed by education i wish i coud dig in many brains and know what they really feel ..
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Homosexuality between men is the most beautiful and powerful act of pleasure. We were designed for this perfect expression of love sex and power between men.
Well…it is not possible that the same human being can have access to living all possible sexual experiences from all points of view. If you are a man you cannot know how beautiful and powerful sex between women is. We are limited beings, all of us
Mr Cox, I believe you were looking to apply for this position a short while ago….. you are lucky, it is still vacant 👅
And Ty’s comment below – absofuckinglutely
That’s a very important posting for me, on so many levels. I have (since I came out) always believed in the value of casual sex between/amongst men. At that time, (1990’s) I sensed that there were a great many men who had come to the ‘big city’ looking for the brotherhood and companionship that they were missing in their small towns of origin, as I did. I felt that I was already past my ‘best before’ date, and I saw no one else taking the initiative, so I started a men’s group (Brotherhood of Priapic Worship) that focused on friendship, common beliefs and fraternal intimacy. Some years later, I started a weekly party group called the Friday Night Men’s Club. Both were very successful and continue on in various iterations.
The precepts discussed in the above article are the foundation of an emotionally mature, well-balanced man, and especially important for gay men. I saw a quote years ago in our now defunct gay newspaper, which said,
” Casual sex is always meaningful, and has as many meanings as there are people.”
I don’t know the author of that statement but it really resonated with me. I made a calligraphy copy and hung it on my wall, along with other important quotes and epigrams that were helpful to me and hopefully to the men who gathered in my bedroom every week. Even after 20 years, I still get stopped on the street by men who attended those gatherings and want to tell me how much they enjoyed the groups and the positive effect they had on their development and their relationships.
” Remember, the people who matter, don’t mind,
And the people mind, don’t matter.”
-Dr. Seuss
Thank You Leo
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