45 thoughts on “Erotic Photography Competition

  1. With a smile and a playful smerk I will admit I enjoy masturbating my big, thick cock
    To wrap my hands around my thick pulsating shaft, feeling the energy and power it yields
    emptying my cum filled balls is fun and satisfying

  2. I’m entering this erotic self-portrait in the “Erotic Photography Competition,” drawn long before the invention of photography by the greatest Renaissance engraver and print-maker, Albrecht DĂ¼rer (1471-1528), on behalf of the artist. DĂ¼rer made the first drawing of himself from his image in a mirror when he was 13. This one is from 1503, the year before he made the famous engraving of Adam and Eve that, in printed form, disseminated the most most beautifully proportioned image of a male body ever drawn all over Europe. “To call this self-portrait unusual is an understatement: there is … nothing like it in all of Western art until Egon Schiele in the early twentieth century.” Sources: Wikipedia Commons and Stephen Greenblatt, “The Rise and Fall of Adam and Eve: The Story that Created Us,” p. 136.

    This “photograph,” in black and white, merits consideration in the competition that celebrates International Masturbation Month. Should Albrecht be the winner, he would like to donate his LOVENSE Edge 2 to the artistic masturbator who crafted the next best entry.

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