B is 4 Belly Button Blessing Bindi.

Place the man’s lingam flat on his tummy pointing to his belly button. Use the palm of one hand to rest on his shaft, extending your middle finger to gently circle his belly button. Bindi is therapy with a really light touch. Use your other hand to give his head a bindi treatment.

C is Cock around the Clock.

Once again bring the man’s cock to rest on his belly. Facing in the 12 0’clock position, gradually massaging it to 1, 2, 3, ect. before coming back to 12.

D is 4 the Door KNOB

While holding the man’s cock at the shaft with one hand cup the other around the head and grip gently and turn as if you were turning as door knob

D is 4 da ding-a-ling.

Place the man’s cock between any two fingers and gently ringing it from side to side as in ringing a bell. Use the same beat to gently tap on his head with your other hand

D is for Dance

Let the man’s cock lie flat on his belly. Use the tips of your fingers to do a dance on the back of the shaft

E is EverEdge

Gradually bring a closed fist down from the head to the shaft and as one hand is about to reach the base come down with the other. Repeat this using different speeds, from really really slow, to rapid. Alternate between a really light touch and a really firmly held fist.

F is Fingertip FLUSHES

Hold his cock upwards with one hand. Use the fingertips of your other hand as if it was a small paintbrush to colour in the shaft. Flops are like minute quick slaps.

F is the Fremulum re Fresh

Press the base of your each thumb on either side of the frenulum  . Massage in deep small circular motions without actually touching the frenulum

G is 4 Gentle Greasy Glides.

Make your hands nice and greasy. Make them into a praying hand position. Grease his cock in between them. Slowly glide your hands up and down.

G is 4 The Grapple Grab

Use the flat part of your hand on your hand to gently grapple the penis gently towards the man’s tummy. Suddenly release the hold and use your other hand to quickly grab the penis from base sliding up to the  crown. Repeat this 81 times, finding a rhythm between the grapple and grip/. Now use only the flat part of your thumb on one hand to gently grapple the penis gently towards the man’s tummy. Suddenly release the hold and use your other hand to quickly grab the penis from base sliding up to the  crown. Repeat this several times, finding a rythm between the grapple and grip/

H is 4 Healing Hands.

I is 4 Intense Insight.

Use a finger to lightly tap between the man’s eyebrows. In tantra this is seen as the 3rd eye. The frenulum is the 3rd eye of the cock. Use the same finger on the other hand to gently tap there. Both tapings should be to the same beat

J is 4 the Jelq Juicer.

Vibrate your thumb and first finger join them together and make an “O” shape around the base. Tighten into an “e” and slowly move up and down the shaft. Use your other hand as in a “juicer” making fresh orange juice.

K is 4 Kneading Knots.

Place your right thumb on the left hand side of his shoulder, kneed the knot, as you use your other hand to kneading his shaft

L is 4 Licky Lucky Lolly.

Cup your fingers and thumb so they appear like lush lips. Pretend that these lips are licking  the lushest ice-cream lolly.

M is 4 Magick Mushroom.

Cup your hand over his cock and let the tips of your fingers gently massage his upper shaft.

N is 4 Nipple Nurture.

With the man’s cock lying flat on his belly use the fingers on one hand to alternate tickling  his nipples while some fingers on your other hand tickle an area just below the frenulum

O is for The Big_O.

Gently rest your fingers of one hand just below his frenulum at the same time use the flat of your thumb to circle an “O” around the head of his cock. Use the flat of your other hands to massage circles around his chest.

P is 4 Palm Pressure Pumps.

Place your close fist around the base of the man’s cock and pump. Use the palm of your hand to vibrate the head of his fattening cock

Q as in Quick Quack.

Use your fist to do 5 or quick quacks up and done the entire cock, as the man would normally masturbate before ejaculate. Then be still for about 15 second and then repeat, and again be still for 14 seconds , gradually working down to a one second gap, then stop

R is 4 Rainbow Rub.

Borrowed from the sexological bodyworkers. Place the tips of your fingers around the head of the man’s cock so that they rest just below his frenulum. Cup your hand around his helmet so that the palm of your hand can slide up and down deeply rubbing into his shaft. Use the palm of your other hand to rub his forehead

S is Sensual Slong Spanking.

Sensually cup the man’s ball away from his body so his erection protrudes. Use the tips of the fingers on the other hand to gently slap the salami. Remember that the emphasis here is SENSUAL

T is for Tantric Twists.

Use the whole of your hand to twist up and down. Sometimes you your lightest touch ever, and other times use a firm grip.

U is 4 the big-U.

While gently stroking the cock with your right hand stretch your left hand over to touch the man’s left foot. Gradually trace a big U from his foot up by his knee, upper leg, side of chest up to the scalp and then down the other side until you reach his right foot, and then trace the U back to the other foot.

V is 4 vibrating Verapy,

Spread your first two fingers into a V shape and place them below the man’s balls and vibrate the V. At the same time  do the vibrating V on the man’s forehead emanating from the 3rd eye.

W Willie Warmer.

While maintaining contact with the man using another part of your body, rub your hands furiously together, until they are really hot. Bring your hands onto the man’s cock and continue to rub, up and down

X is for the X bi X.

With the man’s cock lying flat on his belly use the base of your thumb to firmy massage x by x by x along the central vein starting from just below the fremelum right down to the base.

Yank Yell.

While cupping his balls with one hand using the other to quickly yank from base to head. When you remove your hand, rest and breathe deeply for about 10 seconds. Repeat this at least 9 times

Z as in Zen.

Hold the shaft as if you were holding a pen upside down. Place an open hand on top of his cock and write, in your best handwriting ZEN. You may proceed to write a secret message

From The Brotherhood of Pleasure HaPenis Massage Class London & Manchester 1991-2020

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