When you catch god’s cock in your hand and, shaping your lips to an ‘O’, lays them lightly to its tip, moving your head in tiny circles, this first step is called “Nimitta”

Parshvatoddashta” (Fluttering at the Sides).

Next, grasping god’s head in your hand, you clamp your lips tightly about the shaft, first on one side then the other, taking great care that your teeth don’t hurt god, this is “Parshvatoddashta”

“Bahiha-samdansha” (the Outer Pincers).

Now you takes the head of god gently between your lips, by turns pressing, kissing it tenderly and pulling at its soft skin: this is “Bahiha-samdansha”

“Antaha-samdansha” (the Inner Pincers).

If next you allow god to slide completely into your mouth and press god firmly between your lips, holding a moment before pulling away, it is “Antaha-samdansha”

“Chumbitaka” (Kissing)

When, taking god in your hand and making your lips very round, you press fierce kisses along its whole length, sucking as you would at your lower lip, it is called “Chumbitaka”

“Parimrshtaka” (Striking at the Tip).

If, while kissing, you let your tongue flick all over god and then, pointing it, strikes repeatedly at the sensitive glans-tip, it becomes “Parimrshtaka”

“Sangara” (Swallowed Whole)

And now, fired by passion, you takes God deep into your mouth, pulling upon it and sucking as vigorously as though you were sucking clean a mango-stone: this is “Amrachushita”

“Amrachushita” (Sucking a Mango).

When you sense that his orgasm is imminent you swallow up the whole penis, sucking and working upon it with lips and tongue until you spend: this is “Sangara”

“Kakila” (The Crow),

If the pair of you lie side by side, facing opposite ways, and kiss each other’s secret parts using the fifteen techniques described above, it is known as “Kakila”

18 thoughts on “Tantrick BroJobs

  1. That is an amazingly sexy video. I’m dirtying my keyboard with my precum as I type! Delicious cocks and balls, and fantastic pubes! And a really handsome cocksucker (who reminds me of one of my old bosses who was as straight as they cum – good to see how he could have measured up!). Thanks for a real treat! And this is what I’m rubbing!

  2. Oh my God Cock there is nothing like taking Cock in your mouth and fully worshipping it. Then finally feeling the eruption and the gift of sweet cum. To God Cock be the glory.

  3. I absolutely love to suck a nice cock. It seems that every man on here has a nice, big, fat cock. God, I love jerking off looking at them. Wishing I was the one with those b8g cocks in my mouth

  4. Es delicioso ver esas imágenes de buenas pollas y amarlas y desearlas ,disfrutarlas y hacerlas disfrutar lentamente hasta que surja una buena corrida.

    1. With only one exception I have been doing most of those without knowing what they were. Now that I know how to really do it me thinks it will be even better. I love giving a man oral pleasure more than anything, even reciprocation. The way a man tastes, his scent, feeling his warm cum filling my mouth and throat. Long, slow and measured as I enjoy the scent of his body and cum makes very aroused. My hands and mouth, pleasuring another man, hearing his moans of pleasure and feeling his body respond, is pleasure in itself. His salty, sweet load is my reward.

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