I am a great lover of the outdoors and in particular spreading my seed pearls on the soil, lush foliage, beachside […]
sportsmen naked
Training naked can foster a sense of camaraderie and solidarity among teammates, as it removes barriers and promotes a shared experience of vulnerability. This can strengthen the bond between players and enhance teamwork and cohesion on the field. Training naked provides maximum freedom of movement and allows players to perform exercises and drills with greater ease and comfort.
Shaun Ross Uncensored
Male Model Shaun Ross in the official video for The Band BRAVES – Dust. This beautiful video first appeared on YouTube […]
The Budgie Smuggler
BUDGIE smugglers, an Australian term used since the 1980s to refer to close-fitting swimming trunks, is included in the latest update […]
“Fishers of Men”
“Many men go fishing all their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.” – Henry David Thoreau […]
HaPenis DaDance
The HaPenis Dance is about embracing freedom and pleasure through spontaneous movement. Start by warming up with deep breaths and shaking […]
Wrestling Decorum
In the context of professional wrestling, it’s generally not considered acceptable to expose genitals during a match or performance. Where accidental […]
Harfaggerson Haakon
A legend that originated in Norway from the year 1001 AD presents a simple and effective method of penile health and […]
Communal Shower
A communal shower is a type of open group shower with multiple shower heads and no dividers or stalls. The term […]
Men Running Naked
The Joys of Naked Running for Men. In a world filled with constraints and societal expectations, there exists a unique and […]
The Unbiddens
The thing about unbidden erections is that they are normal. There need be no shame – but that of course means […]
How To Look Good Naked
Looking good naked is not just about physical appearance but also about confidence and embracing your own body. Stand tall and […]
Proudly Bisexual
Hi. I’m a 24 year old bisexual guy from Manchester and sex has always confused me. I’ve been with my girlfriend […]
Keeping Myself Safe
I identify as straight, am married to a woman but know that I am sexually curious about other men’s bodies. I […]
The Fucking Expert
When it comes to you and your sexuality, you are the absolute expert, butt when it comes to someone elses you […]