My favorite flavor of men is straight, married and horny. Best sex ever hands down. A look, a glance, admiration, longing […]
John N
Our history is crystal clear.
We are all unique yet similar.
Peace and HaPenis brothers.
Divine Beings
Men have always needed men. Nothing to explain, apologize for, or feel guilty for. Male to male sexual contact in our […]
Peace Love HaPenis
I agree with you and have always been intrigued by dudes who describe themselves as bi. Only an individual can define […]
Under Pressure
Perhaps encouraged by the growing gay culture, I detect an increasing pressure for homosexual and bisexual men to “come out”. But […]
Appearing A Fool?
To laugh is to risk appearing a fool, To weep is to risk appearing sentimental. To reach out to another is […]
The First Move
Ive experienced the transition from hesitancy, wanting something to happen but not wanting to make the first move, then, once I […]
Horny Enough?
The only thing I need to understand male sexuality is being horny enough when I was young to actually be turned […]
UPS Driver
Just this week the hot young UPS driver delivered a package. I happened to be on way out the door at […]
Male Orgasm
The subject of male orgasm seems to be almost forbidden in western society. If I wanted to talk to any of my friends […]