From Cock-Pit to the Pilots massage table. The photo series chronicles the life of a WWII pilot, starting with a gripping […]
Paid for by the United States Navy and SAASH (Safors Attempting to Avoid Sexual Harassments. Circa 1950. IT’S FLEET WEEK IN […]
Hidden Heroes
World War II was a tumultuous time that saw millions of men from all walks of life join forces to fight […]
Military Films 1958-1973
Bob Mizer: Military Films 1958-1973 refers to a collection of films created by Bob Mizer, a pioneering figure in physique photography […]
A Poem for Gay Lovers
In the quiet of your joined hands,a world blooms, unseen by others,where love finds its rightful home,untethered by fear,unbroken by time. […]
Finnish Sauna 1940
In 1940, LIFE photographer Carl Mydans captured a striking image of Finnish soldier enjoying a sauna during World War II, showcasing […]
“Brother”A word to describe kinship.A word to describe mutual understanding.A word to describe deep seated love. In the past year, many […]
Soldiers By Adi Nes
Adi Nes, the acclaimed Israeli photographer, incorporates homoeroticism into his art, adding depth and complexity to his compositions. Adi Nes’ series […]
Sexological Soldiers
Well, I have known about your site for a long while now and just wanted to thank you. I first found […]
A New Recruit
I was a new recruit in the US Air Force, just out of basic training and on my 9-month training assignment […]