Hi Mr Cox, Regarding multiple orgasms, I haven’t yet experienced them but I’d like to think that this is going to change very soon. As you may remember, I’m interested in this subject and I am doing the exercise you recommended. And it’s working. A lot. My orgasms are much deeper and stronger now. And the more I practice, the stronger they become. I read Mantak Chia’s book, and I bought his dvds. The exercises there are difficult to understand and to practice. Having read the book many times, and seen the dvds many times, I still don’t know how to perform the exercises properly. Any workshop, or class, or whatever, that you give in this subject I’ll attend. At the moment, all I can say is that my orgasm is stronger, but I haven’t yet had a full body orgasm. All the best, – Brian

Hello Brian, Good to hear from you and glad your making some progress. Have you tried using some sort of prostate vibrator, it might help trigger the full body orgasm. I have to be honest I’m not a big fan of Matak Chia’s Philosophies. I MUCH PREFER AN EARLIER BOOK Hartman & Fithian (Any Man Can; 1984), he obviously did as well, most of his book seems to be copied from theirs. A Note From Mr Cox : I have retired from running the classes, butt, I’m still doing the occasional massages

I actually learnt much from his books. Finally, I tried some of his workshops in Thailand. Very, very informative. Much is classic Taoist philosophy, but additional information regarding circulating pleasures and energies, was helpful. – Jim

1 thought on “Multi-Orgasmic Man

  1. I have had multiple orgasms for some time now and honestly it’s been trail and error that I stumbled onto it. I average 3 per session. But have had up to 5.

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