3 thoughts on “Str8 Acting?

    1. Yes, of course, the picture is so great, so obvious. I was making fun of myself as a str8 man struggling to get his actual sexual priorities, not str8, but gay. It’s a no brainer. I mean, it’s a total boner.

  1. I love the illustration for this post, but I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I keep imagining that the priest is naked under his robe and has a ginormous hairy cock which has been aroused by the sight of the well-endowed naked man, and that the leashed man has caught a whiff of the priest’s pre-cum and is heading for the bulge, since his bride-to-be seems to be in some kind of matrimonial lala land and won’t notice if he sucks the father off. Also, maybe I need new glasses, but don’t I see spent cum glistening around succulent lips of the guy’s anus? I could swear I do! And from the whole mock doggy posture the guy is assuming, I think he’s enjoying the charade! If I have a serious point to make, which I don’t really because I’m just feeling aroused looking at this great illustration of the experience of being “gay” inside and “str8” on the outside, it is that charades can be fun! They’re like edging, a prelude to release and reality!

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