3 thoughts on “Knights in White Satin

  1. Have had some hot experiences with dudes who were wearing something feminine under their cloths.
    Many years ago I would have been “turned off”. What I discovered is the turn-on of seeing these men getting turned on by the simple expression of and closeness to something feminine and it made me a raging stallion.
    A hot military stud wearing women’s panties with his large equipment stuffed in them is a sight to behold.
    A stud married straight dude wearing panty hose under his jeans, with a ripped crotch area so when he turns around and bends over, there it is, ready and willing.
    A smoking hot straight trucker dude wearing cowboy boots, jeans, t shirt and a lacey nighty underneath. Some men have never had the opportunity to express themselves sexually with another man. Be that man with them that accepts them as they are. You won’t be disappointed.
    Open mindedness has helped me have some of the hottest experiences of my life. We all are turned on in different ways. Let your brothers be turned on however they are turned on, without judgement, ridicule, or shaming. Treat others how you want to be treated.
    Peace, love and HaPenis to all.

  2. Dear Sergio and all the cross-dressers I have known and “known,”
    Seb, this is a great post with absolutely gorgeous photos.
    In my life I have known and had sex with three cross-dressers, all of whom were wonderful people and amazing lovers. I’ll tell you about one of them. We met only twice although after our second meeting, we wanted to go on and on, but you know how it is, fate intervened and we never saw each other again. The first time we met, it was cold and I was nervous. My friend was dressed as a man. He was lovely, hospitable, offered me a beer. He didn’t want to kiss. He was a big man and had a big cock. We started making out, pulling our clothes off in his small trailer, me loving his huge cock, he offering himself to me, but I just couldn’t get it up. I think I gave him a blow job. I just remember how incredibly sweet he was, helping me not feel inadequate which of course I did. Time passed, we kept in touch, we had a common bound, both having worked in Indonesia. And we had the same name. He told me something about himself and about his “fuck buddy,” with whom he cross-dressed and had wild sex. I expressed my interest in his cross-dressing. We met again, in warmer weather. This time when I went through the door, there he was as a “woman,” wig, tits, short skirt. I came up to him and he kissed me passionately! Wow, now you kiss me, what a kiss! I felt down under his short skirt and there was nothing there except his giant erect cock. I don’t know what this says about me, but that moment of contact with this lovely man’s cock under his skirt was simply an amazing, never to forget moment! Maybe because I was also “heterosexual” and had felt a lot of pussy under a lot of women’s skirts, to finally have a cock not pussy in my hand was exhilarating, since I’m really always have been “gay.” He sat on my lap and I fondled him as we kissed and kissed, until we just had to strip and get into bed, where we had one of the most passionate sex of my life. (He told me later he also thought it was mind-blowing!) We had been rolling over and under each other kissing and fondling each other when, in a moment, I went inside him, no condom, pushing my cock as deep as I could (now I was hard!) and he suddenly cried out and shot his cum across the room. I came the next moment inside him. We sort of pulled ourselves together. My dog and faithful companion in my adventures in that period of my life needed to get out of the car for a pee. I got dressed. His wife would be home soon. We thanked each other. I drove home. I never saw him again. That was about 25 years ago.

  3. I love wearing feminine clothes, especially long stockings and those underwear that expose my buttocks, because I have them big and hard I imagine the pleasure of men when I let them knead, kiss and enjoy pouring their milky white paste on them. It’s very exciting.

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