Have you ever been spanked for pleasure. Please leave a reply below and tell us about your experiences.

3 thoughts on “Spanking 4 Pleasure

  1. Yes I like being spanked. With the hands while bending over my friends knees. I asked my friend to spank me. For a joke. Now he does it. Every time we meet. Then he puts his big cock up my arse. It’s 7and a half inches and quite fat. I love being fucked for at least half an hour.

    1. I had a much older mentor whom I used to visit for spankings from age 19 to 23, as a student. I would strip to my vest and briefs slowly whilst he was quietly telling me all of my faults and wrongdoings, then go over his knees for part one. After twenty slaps over my briefs, I’d be made to stand up then the briefs would be pulled all the way down, for part two on bare buttocks. I would get hard, extending longer than my usual erections, despite the stinging pain.
      For part three I’d be on my knees and have his cock pushed in my mouth. After that I was made to sit on his lap, facing him as he slid his cock in me and we wobbled to our climax.

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