2 thoughts on “HaPenis-Lads-lingam massage

  1. Early on I didn’t like to be a guys first, the fear of leaving them with a bad memory, of letting their expectations down kept me away. But then it dawned on me that the solution was simple, I was their guide. It’s my role to get them to a level understanding of sex, of intimacy, that will be a little of what they think they want and what they don’t know they want. Like all students, some know more than others, but we always start with the basics, simple touch. Just the act of interlocking their fingers with mine may be the first time they’ve touched a man with sexual intent. It probably seems ridiculous but I spend a lot of time asking if I can do things, “Can I touch your face?”, and if they are comfortable. I let them set the pace and course of events, but I do strive to stave off actual genital touch. I want them to learn that man sex is more than penetration but a full body experience, one where excitement can come from unexpected places.

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