2 thoughts on “Sex & Homophobia

  1. Living your sexuality to the fullest is still a utopia for many.
    Loving another man and not being afraid to express this love in all environments, especially external ones, is sometimes a sentence of humiliation or even death, even for those who are openly gay. Because these “values” of the traditional family are still very strong in many places, even though there are strong LGBTQIP+ movements, many men still prefer to hide in a heterosexual marriage in order to keep their sexuality hidden.
    I am from Brazil, a country that made homophobia a crime, and even so there are many “sham marriages”.
    Being proud of being gay is for the few.

  2. I want to live in a world where homosexuality is celebrated as the highest form of sexuality. Remove everything that is not sexual from sexuality and it becomes obvious that homosexuality is pure. There can me nothing more masculine than men having sex with men – and I’m sure the world would be better if that was universally accepted.

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