3 thoughts on “I am King

  1. COCK is truly powerful. COCK brings me joy and dispels negativity. For me. Whenever I
    feel a bit overwhelmed or stuck, the power of COCK gives me strength to keep going
    as I delight in thresholds collapsing and new energy infused. I always praise God when
    COCK brings the glory of orgasm. Wars and so much human suffering would vanish if
    men hungered for the taste of cum instead of blood and pain. I am so grateful to this
    publication dedicated to the Power of COCK is men of every size, shape, and color.

    1. Hello, Stephen—what a wonderful outlook of the attributes of man’s penis which all men can relate to as they look back at their own experiences of the ecstasy that their own cocks brought to their lives! The penis is such a pleasurable organ-an instrument can bring about beautiful outcomes in the form of pre-cum, and finally that evacuation of unforgettable ending feeling: the orgasm — the man-fluids, the seeds of life! Right now, I’ve reached my threshold and am flowing forcefully my ejaculation — cheers to you all!!!

  2. I adore photos of naked men, seeing those differences of their construction (color, shape, cock jewelry, tattoos,)! When I view them, I get hard followed by the oozing of my pre-cum, which I take up on my finger and bring it up to my awaiting lips-the taste—so sweet! I feel so lucky to be a man who appreciates other men, their naked bodies, so sexually stimulating!

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